Health Benefits Of Stand-Up Desks!!

 What Is a Stand-Up Desk?

A standing desk, also popular as a stand-up desk in Australia, is a desk that permits you to stand up comfortably while working.

Many modern arrangements are adjustable to change the desk's height and shift between sitting down and standing up. These are known as height-adjustable desks or sit-stand desks.

Though the research is still in the primary stages, it does seem that using a standing desk can have tremendous advantages for health. It may also enhance productivity.

At the very least, utilising this type of desk can partly offset the harmful consequences of sitting for too long. Here are a few advantages of such desks that have influenced their demand in the market. 

Standing Reduces Your Possibility of Weight Gain and Obesity

Weight gain is eventually generated by taking in more calories than you burn.

When you're burning more calories than you take, it results in weight loss.

While physical activity is the most effective way to burn calories rapidly, simply deciding to stand instead of sitting can also be helpful.

Compared to an afternoon of passive work, an equal amount of time spent standing has been shown to burn over 170 added calories.

That's almost 1000 extra calories burned per week from simply standing at your desk each afternoon.

This caloric distinction could be one of the motivations why sitting longer is so strongly linked to obesity and metabolic disorder.

Using a Stand-Up Desk May Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Typically speaking, the more your blood sugar levels grow after meals, the worse it is for your health.

It is particularly true for those with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

It is proven that standing for 180 minutes after lunch reduced the blood sugar spike by 43% compared to sitting for the same amount of time.

Standing May Lower Your Hazard of Heart Disease

Any time of activity can reduce the chances of heart disease; however, due to busy schedules and challenging working hours, not everyone is comfortable taking care of their health the way they would prefer. However, standing while working for certain intervals will reduce the hazard of heart disease as it is better than doing absolutely no exercise.

Stand-Up Desks Appear to Reduce Back Pain

Different studies have been published to ensure that using stand-up desks in Australia can reduce the back pain experienced by employees. Often not moving and keeping the same posture or having an entirely bad posture may result in back pain.

Standing Desks Help Enhance Mood and Energy Levels

No one enjoys being bored and demotivated at work. Studies show that standing up can enhance mood and energy levels to make employees more active. This can affect productivity levels to ensure better results in work. 

Standing Desks May Even Boost Productivity

 A common concern about standing desks is hindering daily tasks, such as typing.

While standing each afternoon may take some getting comfortable, stand up desks seem to have no significant impact on typical work tasks. With better energy levels and mood boosts, it's no surprise that employees will enjoy their work and do it efficiently. 

To conclude, choosing a stand-up desk in Australia will offer you a better work environment for your employees and yourself as it will enable you to get the right benefits. 


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